Closed: Friday, February 14, 2025. Schools and Offices closed due to weather forecasts.
Decisions about the evening/weekend athletics and activities will be updated tomorrow.

Oregon State Summative Assessments are coming soon. Annual Disclosure and OptOut forms are available.

For Guardians of students in Grade 6, 8, and 11.
The Oregon State Health Survey for students in Grades 6, 8, 11 is coming soon. Information about the survey and a form to opt out your student is available at: https://www.molallariv.k12.or.us/page/student-health-survey

Open House: Middle School Design
Thursday, November 7
5:30 pm
Molalla River Middle School
Food provided
Community welcome
Learn more at:

Molalla Youth Sports K-8 Basketball sign ups are open now. Close on October 1, 2024.
Visit: myssports.com

Tonight's School Board meeting may be viewed live at the following link:
A recording will be placed on the YouTube Channel within 48 hours. The agenda is available at: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Agenda/1539?meeting=651725

Help Wanted: Nutrition Services Hiring
Kitchen Staff needed.
Monday-Friday 4 hour shifts
School Holidays and weekends off.
Please Call Antonia @ 503-759-7477.

Birthday Package Deals available from Molalla River Middle School Leadership Class. Details at: /o/mrms/page/birthday-package-deals

2022-23 English Language Learner Report is available. This is the most current report available. https://5il.co/2vm8r

Thank you for all the amazing feedback! We asked for your input and we appreciate your persistence in providing suggestions. The new logo is here. You may see this round or square, with image or just with the words.... It will take our website vendor some time to switch over, but google has it now and we are looking forward to sharing more about the strategic plan and pillars of strategic goals. Strong Minds, Bright Futures and We Believe in Kids are our new motto and taglines.

Back to School Night Wolverines!
Wednesday, August 28 from 6:00-8:00pm.
MRMS - 318 Leroy Avenue in Molalla
Flyer with more information attached.

Starting in the 24-25 School year, students will receive one breakfast and one lunch each day without fees. Program lasts four school years. Learn more at: https://www.molallariverschools.org/page/food-nutrition

2024-25 Molalla River Middle School Supply List

New Poll: https://99designs.com/contests/poll/16a33742f2
Thank you for your input! About 300 votes are in and the specific suggestions were provided to the designers. These modifications reflect your suggestions.

Logo, logo, logo. Last change to weigh in on the logo refresh for Molalla River Schools.

-Summer Meal Programs
-Community Eligibility - 2024-25 School Year
-Input on refreshed logo
-Updated websites

With the new website and strategic plan, the logo is getting a refresh.
Help us by choosing your favorite and leaving comments if you want to tell us what you like or don't like about the final four designs.

RFP for Architectural Services on the Middle School Replacement Project is available now. Mandatory virtual pre-proposal meeting on July 09, 2024 at 09:00am. Contact Ron Stewart at ron.stewart@molallariv.k12.or.us.

Summer Meal Program
Summer School Meal Service to the public will be open at Molalla Elementary from July 8-August 1.
Breakfast service 8:40am to 9:05am Lunch service 11:30 to 12:30.
Service at Mulino Elementary's Meal service will be July 8-August 1.
Breakfast will be 8:40am to 9:05am Lunch service 11:35 to 12:15
All children 1-18 are eligible for breakfast and lunch at no cost!!
All meals must be consumed on site and only one meal per child per service.
Free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request. Please contact Antonia Eztel at 503-759-7477 or email antonia.etzel@molallariv.k12.or.us.